At your service

Industrial Washing Machines

Our industrial washing machines are the perfect solution to different applications in the alimentary and farming industries. For the cleaning of gears and shears, our industrial washing machines guarantee an exhaustive and efficient cleansing, eliminating the accumulation of dirt and oils, prolongating the useful life of these critical components and improve the machinery's performance.

Whether you need to wash celery, baskets and trays, broccoli or cauliflower, our washing machines are designed to handle a variety of products and sizes with efficiency, assuring the hygiene and security of the food.

We also rely on our bin turners that facilitate the containers turning process, upgrading the logistic in farming products manipulation and reducing the manual work time, maintaining the highest cleaning standards.

Our equipments

Click on the images

lavadora engranes

Gears and Shears Washing Machines

lavadora apio

Industrial Celery Washing Machine

lavadora canastillas

Industrial Baskets Washing Machines

lavadora brocoli y coliflor

Industrial Broccoli & Cauliflower Washing Machines

lavadora brocoli y coliflor

Industrial Gears Washing Machines

lavadora brocoli y coliflor

Bins Turners